Drug Addiction and Consequences: Social, Health and Religious Harm.


Drug addiction! A terrible situation all over the world nowadays. Like other places in the world, the terrific situation of drug addiction has spread all over the country(Bangladesh) today. It is spreading like an epidemic everywhere. A terrible truth is that universities along with school-college students are more addicted to drugs. You will be surprised to hear that the girls, yes, the girls are going ahead with the drug use in the same rhythm as the boys. Hundreds of boys and girls are smoking cigarettes worth crores of money every day. Then slowly many are turning to other drugs. Such as cannabis, alcohol, phensedyl, heroin and the most dangerous drug of the time is yaba. My point is not just that students are taking drugs, the point here is that a large part of the drug-addicted in the country are educated. In addition to the floating boys and girls in every city, a large part of the population in every part of the country has become addicted to drugs and the number is increasing day by day.

Let's look at some statistics. About 200 million people around the world are addicted to drugs. Of these, in 2016, the number of people who injected drugs with syringes was one and a half crore. Of these, about 1.4 million had the AIDS virus, and about 5.7 million had hepatitis. This is the calculation of the whole world. Now let's look at Bangladesh. In 2019, a private study in Bangladesh found that the number of drug addicts in the country is about 6 million. And this calculation is considered correct by the Drug Control Department of Bangladesh and RAB. But my inner side thinks this number is more than the statistics. Now let's think for a moment, 200 million people around the world, including Bangladesh, are addicted to drugs, are they the only ones suffering? Aren’t the  200 million families suffering the consequences?

Having to suffer in this misery, let's see what they are? First of all, let's talk about earthly suffering or loss. There are several types of damages. Financial, mental, physical, moral and social, etc. In Bangladesh alone, people spend BDT(৳) 50,000 crores every year on drugs. Can you imagine? 50 thousand crores! So all these drugs addicted, do they all have money? No. There are about 20 million unemployed in Bangladesh, of which 43% are drug-addicted. The question is, where is the source of their money that the unemployed are using drugs? Either he is getting it by forcing his family, stealing, raising money by snatching and robbing. This means that along with the terrible deterioration of the social condition of the earth, a large part of the population is being morally destroyed. Simultaneously, the law and order situation is deteriorating. Terrorism and criminal activities are on the rise. The narcotics trade occurs the largest number of murders in the world.

Let's see what health damage is happening. It is happening in two ways, physically and mentally.

Let's look at the physical and mental problems

  • In addition to brain damage, the risk of liver damage, lung cancer, nervous system collapse, and other cancers in the body increases by hundreds of times.

  • Raising poisoning behavior in the body.

  • Behavioral changes that lead people to heinous crimes, such as murder, robbery, and especially rape among men, increase the tendency a hundredfold, the horrific form of which we see in this society. Hundreds of known and unknown rapes are occurring every day in this country and they are not coming under penalty due to the deterioration of law and order.

  • Sexual ability decreases and with it the incidence of various sexually transmitted diseases increases, especially among women, this problem is more prevalent due to drug addiction.

  • Moreover, many deadly diseases like AIDS are spreading among the people by taking various drugs through syringes.

What is the reason that the number of drug addicts is increasing? If we look at the very first reason, it is the lack of religious education and non-compliance with religion. Then there is unemployment, lack of innovation, frustration, lack of proper education, lack of proper guidelines, and so on. But the two main reasons are, staying away from Islam and unemployment. As such, to take governmental and social effective steps to eradicate unemployment has become the most important thing today. If there is no money in the pocket, if there is no food in the stomach, people will go towards drug addiction along with various types of crimes, nothing will be left to be said. For us, this society will also be responsible for not providing adequate employment for the unemployed. And I think it is absolutely impossible to solve this problem if we cannot reach the people of this society with the propagation of the correct religious knowledge.

Moreover, the loss of the Hereafter remains to be said,

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Paradise is forbidden for 3 classes of people.

  1. Addicted to drugs

  2. Disobedient children of parents

  3. Daioos (Who encourages and agree to his family members to be obscene and do obscene doing) 

-Musnad Ahmad.

You see, the first of these is the drug addicts for whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Paradise is forbidden. You will see, every religion on earth forbids such deeds. So what is stopping us to come back from this type of harmful deeds? The question remained for those who are addicted to drugs. Think, dear brother, come back to the normal life. Kick and throw away this cursed life. Peace be upon everyone on the earth. May Allah protect us from the curse of drugs. Amen.

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