How Big is Our Universe? What Science and Islam Say?

How big is the world we know, the world we live in? According to the size, it is much more significant in terms of eyesight. When we look at different countries of considerable measure, how big the country is!

When we think of all the world's countries together, a substantial volume comes to our mind. So be it. Our world is not a small thing, by the way. What is that volume according to the inference of number? 

Let's do a little calculation. The radius of the Earth is 3,959 miles (6,361 kilometers). As such, the circumference of the Earth is about 25,000 miles (2 * 3.1416 * 3959) or 40,030 kilometers.

Suppose you want to patch the whole Earth with a single thread. Then you need 25,000 miles or 40,000 kilometers of yarn. The world is about 51 crore square kilometers in size. Now let's try to imagine what a vast place the world is.

Isn't it? When we look at the high mountains, we may realize the enormity of this world when we look at the seas. To be honest, this is normal to do.

Our beloved planet Earth orbits around the Sun. In addition to our Earth, six more planets are revolving around the Sun.

They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition to minor planets like Pluto, there are many asteroids, comets, and meteors. There are about 150 more moons, like our moon. 

Our Earth is the fifth of the planets orbiting the Sun in size. The giant planet Jupiter (Jupiter) is about 120 times larger than our Earth. So, how big is the Sun we are discussing?

Do you know how much bigger the Sun is than our Earth? 1.3 million times. Just think, 1.3 million planets like our Earth can be placed into the Sun. Can you imagine the vastness of the Sun? 

Light takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds to come from the Sun to the Earth. This light travels at a speed of 186 thousand miles or 300 thousand kilometers per second.

The distance that light travels in one second is called one light second; the distance that light travels in 1 minute is one light minute. Thus the distance that light can travel in a year is called one light-year.

The distance from the Sun to the Earth is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers. 

If we launch a plane or rocket from the Earth towards the Sun and continue to travel at a constant speed of 644 kilometers per hour, it would take 20 years to reach the Sun.

It is just a calculation of the space between the Sun and the Earth. So how far can you imagine the space occupied by the Sun and many other cosmic objects, including many planets, in the solar system?

And the space that exists between the distance from each other, apart from the space occupied by them? 

The farthest object in the solar system is Sedna, at 143.63 billion kilometers from the Sun. On the other hand, the solar system has the same distance in the opposite.

So that the whole solar system's diameter is about 287.46 billion kilometers. If you want to write the number, you have to give many zeros after 1, which the human brain cannot easily take. 

Let's do a simple little calculation. NASA's scientists have determined a unit called the Astronomical Unit (AU) for large-scale measures of cosmic distances. 1 AU = 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers (9.3 crore miles or 150 crore kilometers, equal to the distance between the Sun and the Earth, and the distance from the Earth to the Sun is measured by this unit).

As such, the diameter of our solar system stood at 1921 AU. Think about how significant this number is in terms of the size of the number. 

All we've talked about for so long has been the vastness of our solar system. That is not to say that scientists have come to know all about the expansion of the solar system. Instead, the opposite is true. Now sit tightly to listen to what I have to say. 

Our solar system is a member of a galaxy called the Milky Way, and the size of our solar system is negligible compared to the size of the entire Milky Way.

If the Milky Way were to capture the sum of all the sand particles on Earth, the size of our solar system as a whole would be the same as that of a tiny sand particle. Or even smaller. So, where do you think the location of our beloved planet Earth is?

Our Milky Way galaxy contains more than 200 billion stars like the Sun. Oh, not to mention, our Sun is also a star! Even in the star world, the position of the Sun is mostly tiny.

Our Sun is millions of times smaller than most other big stars. The neighboring galaxy of our galaxy is called Andromeda, which contains about 300 billion stars.

With each of these stars, there is a solar system (like our solar system). There are different planets, satellites, comets, meteors, etc. 

With the help of today's most advanced technology, scientists have developed a powerful telescope called the Hubble Space Telescope.

With this telescope, they have been able to conduct research and observations in an extensive space area. That observable boundary is not more than 13 thousand million light-years (13 billion). 

About 1 billion galaxies have been found within this 13 billion light-year range. Each galaxy expands into space with an average distance of 100 thousand light-years.

One galaxy means innumerable stars. Scientists have observed this 13 billion light-year-wide boundary, which is only 5-6 percent of the total size of the supposed universe. Scientists estimate that our universe is about 20,000 billion light-years across. 

Numerous galaxies have accumulated in various places throughout the universe, called mass galaxies. There are countless mass galaxies across space. The size of each galaxy in those mass galaxies is negligible compared to that mass.

Can we imagine the extent of the discovery of 1000 million galaxies? In such a vastness, even our giant galaxy is located so insignificantly. Even if it is lost in space, it will not affect any part of the entire galaxy.

There is no need to say how insignificant our solar system is compared to our galaxy. And we humans are even more trivial than microscopic particles so that nothing happens to the universe if we exist or not.

With such a small existence, even we could not set foot anywhere except only on the moon in our solar system. The whole universe is far away, and even the solar system as a whole is beyond our power.

Even so, we refuse to believe in Allah, the Creator of the whole universe, just because of not seeing him! How can we hold the Creator of that creation with such a temporal body and mind where we cannot even grasp the enormity of the creation of Allah? 

People who are so small can have no reason to be so arrogant about the Creator. If people had not been so disturbed about the Almighty and thought deeply about creating that most remarkable being, it would not have been possible for any human being to show such courageous ignorance and arrogance about the Almighty.

Let's give an example. Let's say how many small aquatic animals live in the ocean's depths to how many giant marine animals live. At the same time, artificial submarines go deep into the sea. But can that ocean fauna ever have an idea about that submarine? Have they been given that knowledge? 

We can observe microscopic micro-atoms-germs with powerful microscopes, but will those atom-germs ever have any idea about humans? Can you ever deny these germs?

Or can you restrain yourself from the point of view of these germs? These atomic germs do not know about humans. Is our existence a lie? 

Certainly not. These creatures don't need to know about us, so the Almighty has not given them that knowledge.

We, too, will deny that most remarkable and eternal being just because we cannot see him. Is it right on? Yet how do we disbelieve in Allah, the Lord of the universe?

The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran that,

Don't the non-believers think that the heavens and the Earth (the whole universe) were mixed, and we separated them(through an incredible explosion), and we have created every living thing from water? Yet will they not believe? 

Al-Quran, Surah Ambiya, verse 30

Indeed there is welfare for people in the creation of the skies and the Earth, the evolution of night and day, and the movement of ships on rivers. And Allah has revived the dead Earth with the water, which He has sent down from the sky and has spread therein all living beings. And in the change of the seasons and the clouds that move between the sky and the Earth under His command, there is indeed a sign for a people who understand. 

Al-Quran, Surah Bakara, verse 184 

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