What Will You Do If There’s World War 3?

Who loves to embrace War?

Who loves war? Do you? I think no one wants to be in trouble with war. But on the other hand, Russia has already invaded Ukraine. Is it going to be turned into a world war?

The world has seen the ugliness of the previous two world wars. So, we don’t want another one by hook or by crook. But, it is to be remembered that human history is full of wars. So, you cannot deny the probability of WWIII. 

And if it happens, the destruction will be beyond your thinking. The modern era is at its peak in the state of technology. World leaders use technology to develop the most lethal weapons to make themselves invincible and powerful. 

In this situation, with many destruction probabilities, what will you do if there’s a World War 3?

What Will Happen If There Is World War 3?

There is a possibility that the world may attain another world war. However, you may join the battle if you are a soldier and belong to any country's military. 

But what if you are a civilian and want to skip the harshness of the war? When the whole world is harsh, nobody will be freed from it. 

Before getting into it, another important fact for you. 

In WWII, many countries were involved in the war because many of them were under colonial rule. But, at this time, Asia is entirely freed from the direct colonial rules. So, you can expect most countries will not join the war without the interest of profit. 

But, if it is WWIII, the entire world will be affected economically and other things. However, let’s go back to the topic. 

The entire world will see cruelty and a harsh environment. The directly involved countries will face the following problems. 

  • Food scarcity.
  • Life insecurity.
  • Living challenges with no house.
  • Facing death daily. 
  • No money.
  • No communications.
  • Destruction of ecology.
  • Scarcity of medicine, health service, and tons.

There are a lot of negative things which will drag your life. So, you have to turn yourself into a lone survivor. So, how can you do that?

What To Do As A Civilian When There’s World War 3?

Okay, now let’s get to the point. In the war, you will face a lot of harsh, no doubt. However, expecting a nuclear attack from any side is not too much. 

So, as a civilian, you have to prepare yourself for the worst situation. I can give you just suggestions. But, all are up to your fate and yourself. 

  • Must prepare an emergency supply system. Your emergency system should have dry foods, water, battery-powered radio, flashlights, etc. Make the system portable. If you can, double the kits for the workplace as well as your home. Also, keep the emergency kit in your car, or whatever you feel, near your hand. 
  • Find the designated-shelter area. You will probably find some public buildings where the authorities make a shelter for the civilian. However, you cannot guarantee that they will be safe. But, generally, if the opposite side doesn’t break the war law, they should not strike on the sheltering area. 
  • The most agonizing part of war is family separation. You may be separated from your family. All your family members will not be in one place permanently. So, make a plan for the communications with the family members. 
  • It is highly crucial to know how to contact each other. Ensure to all that what to do in emergencies.

The Survival Kits You Will Need

You will need to include the following survival kits in your war preparation with the mental preparation. These might help you to get some reliabilities while in harsh situations. 

  • Water bottles and bottled water.
  • Dried foods, dried milk.
  • Lighter, lot of batteries.
  • Wet tissues, plastic bags, papers, and necessary clothes.
  • Bleaching solutions. 
  • Plastic raincoat.
  • Knives, canned foods, can openers. 
  • Rice, cooking oil.
  • Sanitary napkins and many more essential things. 

What If The War Turned Into Nuclear Attack?

The harshest thing comes now. As world leaders are equipped with nuclear weapons and bombs, it is uncertain that they can strike with atomic bombs anytime. If you fall into the atomic bombing area, there are little things to do. 

Nevertheless, you have things to do. You should follow the following guideline to minimize or save yourself and your family from the nuclear blast. 

  • If possible, try to listen to the authority’s instructions. Try to get the emergency response team of your government. 
  • If you don’t find authoritative personnel, take cover as soon as possible when the nuclear bombing is warned. Try to shelter yourself under the bunker or ground. Stay there until the next instruction.
  • Go away from the warned area as far as possible. Find the buildings to cover yourself from the radiation of nuclear bombs. 

Finally, everything fails to reach you in a protective area, and you are caught in the bombing area. To be honest, there is nothing to do at all. As a last try, you can lay down on the ground and cover your head if you are far from the area. 

At last, without any hope, embrace your beloved ones. Prepare for the last moment because we can’t run away from our fate. 

Last Words

While writing, it felt like I have been experiencing the war’s worst situation with my family. Nobody wants war. We want peace. But the problem does not let us stay harsh-free always. 

However, I think this will help you a little with what you will do if there’s World War 3. 

By the way, what about the peace from the world leaders? Can’t they skip such things that bring war and unrest to the world? I think they can avoid such a state of war if they hold bona fids in their mind. 

We love to be in peace. We pray for no war. May almighty save us from the unrest world situation. 

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